what does eggplant taste like and how do you cook it

What Does Eggplant Taste Like

The raw diet dates back to the late 1800s, when Maximilian Bircher-Benner, a physician, discovered that he could cure his own jaundice by eating raw apples.

So began a series of experiments testing the effects of raw food on human health, and the diet has continued to evolve. Although there are many variations of the raw diet today, these are usually foods that have not been cooked, processed, microwaved, irradiated, genetically modified, or exposed to pesticides or herbicides.

About 75% to 80% of what raw foodists eat each day will be plant-based foods never heated above 115 degrees Fahrenheit. (Very few people follow a 100% raw diet.)

Most followers are vegans, but some choose to consume raw animal products, such as raw (unpasteurized) milk, raw milk cheese, sashimi, raw fish, and some types of raw meat.

Proponents say cooking erases most of the vitamins in foods and almost all immune-boosting plant nutrients (although scientific evidence to support these claims is lacking).

Most people on the plan only consume half the calories they would eat on a cooked diet – one reason why this low-calorie diet is not a good idea in the minds of nutrition professionals.

Low-calorie diet

These diets provide significantly fewer calories than is generally recommended, resulting in weight loss.

Pros & Cons

  1. Fruits and veggies dominate the menu
  2. Nearly-guaranteed weight loss
  1. Tedious meal prep; the equipment required
  2. Lots of rules

98 colored pages PDF Format (DIGITAL – ideal for computers, laptops, tablets or to print out) over 60 recipes for a happy body and mind

What Does Eggplant Taste Like And How Do You Cook It

We have come to that wonderful time in August when eggplants in their many shapes and colors have invaded more than a few tables at the farmer’s market. While eggplant is readily available throughout the year, its peak season is right now, August through October.

From choosing the right fruit (yes, eggplant is a fruit!), To storing it and of course, consuming it, we share everything you need to know about eggplant. Or, eggplant, if you prefer.

Along with tomatoes, sweet peppers, and potatoes, eggplant is part of the nightshade family. There was a time when raw eggplant was thought to be poisonous, but it is not.

When eaten raw, eggplant has a slightly bitter but pleasant taste and a spongy texture. When cooked, however, the taste becomes sweeter and a bit richer. It also takes on a soft and creamy texture.

How to choose an eggplant

Not all eggplants are created equal. Regardless of the variety, choose a firm, heavy eggplant for its size. The skin should be bright, shiny, and free from scars or spots. Avoid eggplants with discolored skin or bruises, which usually indicate damaged flesh inside.

98 colored pages PDF Format (DIGITAL – ideal for computers, laptops, tablets or to print out) over 60 recipes for a happy body and mind

Store the eggplant

Eggplant is best used soon after buying it or picking it from the garden. Within 1-3 days is a good rule of thumb to follow. Eggplant is delicate and just doesn’t store well for long periods of time.

Store eggplant in a cool, dry place and avoid storing it in the refrigerator. Eggplant is generally grown in temperate climates and does not do well in cold temperatures, like your refrigerator.

Eat eggplants

There is certainly no shortage of ways to taste eggplant! While it can be eaten raw, eggplant tastes even better when grilled, baked, braised, or cooked and mashed in a dip.

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How does the raw diet work?

There are many variations of the raw diet and you have the power to shape your own. Here are some tips to get started:

  1. Fill your pantry with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables; cabbage; and seeds and nuts, including cashews, sunflower seeds, and raw almond butter.
  2. Look for foods marked as raw and sold in grocery stores.
  3. Stock up on cereals (uncooked), as well as dried organic legumes (think lentils, chickpeas, adzuki beans, and mung beans) eaten raw.
  4. Add flavor with condiments like extra virgin cold-pressed olive oil; crude virgin coconut oil; and raw coconut butter.
  5. Sip on freshly squeezed vegetable juice and herbal tea.
  6. Invest in a dehydrator to create crunchy sweet potato chips from peeled and sliced ​​sweet potatoes.
  7. Buy a food processor and blender to get creative with juices and even raw chocolate chip “cookies”.

Ultimate Raw Food Cookbook: For Beginners

Recently I was asked, “What about eggplants and potatoes, can you eat them raw or not?” “

Well: I ate raw eggplants, and when I was a kid I also had raw potatoes; I once tried to create dehydrated potato chips, they tasted pretty good but there’s a lot to do … So if you have a delicious recipe let me know!

The reason for not eating raw eggplant or potatoes is an alkaloid called Solanin, which is also found in unripe green tomatoes. For potatoes, these are the green spots they get, whereas eggplants only contain them until they are ripe.

On an interesting side note, pretty much all plants are poisonous, although most of them are only eaten in large quantities.

98 colored pages PDF Format (DIGITAL – ideal for computers, laptops, tablets or to print out) over 60 recipes for a happy body and mind

Ripe eggplants have a bitter taste that you can remove as follows:

Slice them lengthwise and rub the salt on both sides. Staple the slices together and place a plate on them. The pressure of the plate and the salt will allow the eggplant to release a dark liquid. After about an hour, you can rinse the eggplants and use them for the recipe you have in mind.

You’ll find a whole bunch of raw eggplant/aubergines recipes online, like this one:


  • 1 aubergine, peeled and diced
  • 2-3 TBSP tahini – how long can tahini actually be stored?
  • 200ml olive oil
  • 1 TBSP salt
  • juice of one lemon
  • 1 clove of garlic


  1. Peel and dice the aubergine.
  2. Place in your food processor or Vitamix.
  3. Add the other ingredients and pulse-blende.
  4. Refrigerate until serving.
  5. Best enjoyed the same day.

What Does Eggplant Taste Like And How Do You Cook It

When eaten raw, eggplant has a somewhat bitter, but pleasant taste and spongy texture. Once cooked, though, the taste becomes milder and a bit richer. It also takes on a soft, creamy texture.

With rare exception, the taste is very similar regardless of which variety of eggplant you get. And the closest thing you can compare its taste to, is zucchini, which means you can expect a very mild and somewhat bland flavor, but you can easily pair it with more flavorful ingredients.

Move over meatEggplant has taken the stage. … Eggplant can do more than just eggplant parmigiana! It has a rich, meaty taste and is really versatile.

Many white-skinned varieties of eggplant are in cultivation, particularly in Southeast Asia. One that’s readily available in North America is ‘Casper,’ an elongated white variety that matures fairly early and has a mild, almost mushroomlike taste.

When cooked, it becomes extremely tender. It’s soft and creamy like mashed potatoes but has a tad slimier consistency, like okra.

98 colored pages PDF Format (DIGITAL – ideal for computers, laptops, tablets or to print out) over 60 recipes for a happy body and mind

Yet, zucchini is a bit healthier than the eggplant. By consuming 100 grams of zucchini you’ll’ receive 16kcal, while when you eat eggplant in the same amount, you will get 24 kcal. However, vitamin C is on the side of zucchini. … Zucchini also has a lot more vitamin B – 9.5mg while eggplant has 6.9mg.

What to cook with eggplants: classic pairings

  1. With Garlic.
  2. With sesame.
  3. herbs.
  4. With lamb.
  5. With red wine.
  6. Chocolate.
  7. With Goat’s cheese.
  8. With Nutmeg and Cinnamon.

How do you get the bitter taste out of eggplant?

Choose eggplants that have less seeds. The bitter taste of eggplants comes largely from their seeds.

Of course, it is virtually impossible to know how many seeds an eggplant contains without cutting through it. However, some people argue that a way to recognise an eggplant with a lot of seeds from one with fewer seeds is to look at its ‘navel’. If it is circular, then it is a ‘male’ eggplant, and has less seeds than its ‘female’ counterpart, whose ‘navel’ is more elongated.

I don’t know if this has any scientific basis. All I can say is that I’ve learned this trick from a YouTube chef and ever since I learned it, I have always selected ‘male’ eggplants. I did notice that they had fewer seeds than usual, but perhaps I was just lucky.

98 colored pages PDF Format (DIGITAL – ideal for computers, laptops, tablets or to print out) over 60 recipes for a happy body and mind

7 Surprising Health Benefits of Eating Eggplant

  1. A GREAT SOURCE OF VITAMINS & MINERALS. The vitamin & mineral content of eggplants is quite extensive.


I am a big fan of aubergines and I make excellent Turkish dishes with them. So you can ask me anything about aubergines.

The primary rule is to understand this creature. Aubergines sadly have little nutrition so they cannot count as a superfood. But due to their spongy texture, they agree with oil (particularly olive oil).

Absorbing the oil and other sauces very well, they offer you a palatable base with meat and/or other vegetables.

Like most bitter vegetables, this one is amenable to being treated with salted water. You can thus “de-bitter” your aubergine by soaking the slices in highly salted water for about 20 minutes before cooking.

A more modern method is soaking the slices in sugared water. Sugaring the water may be more advantageous compared to the salted water if you do not like the remnant salty taste on your slices when you cook them.

Soaking in salted water helps with disabling the darkening of our friend (oxidation) as well as refining its spongy tissue which will soak the majority of the oil you cook it with.

98 colored pages PDF Format (DIGITAL – ideal for computers, laptops, tablets or to print out) over 60 recipes for a happy body and mind

This is the method used by many generations in Thrace and Anatolia.

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