Instagram Tips & Tricks for Graphic Design Professionals to Prove Mettle

Top Instagram Tips and Tricks for Graphic Design Professionals to Prove their Mettle in 2021

Instagram being a visual social media platform, graphic design professionals are leveraging it to promote their logos, graphic t-shirts, book illustrations, brochure designs, and more. Then, with time, Instagram has reached its saturation point when it comes to creating content and stunning visuals. Therefore, you need to have the excellent creative expertise to make your design stand out from the rest. 

According to an article published in Entrepreneur, you may use Instagram Reels to boost your graphic design business. You can integrate graphics and text to several frames in every reel. All you need to do is be a little patient when playing with graphics, layered text, as well as GIFs n your IG Reel to pique audience interest. 

In this article, we will walk you through some of the best Instagram hacks for graphic designers to prove their worth in 2021. Read on to learn more. 

Create an interesting bio that piques audience interest

You need to write your Instagram bio within 150 characters and ensure your profile description is concise and to the point. It is the place to create the first good impression on your followers, where you can add a link to your design website or portfolio page of your graphic design work. 

Include your business name in the bio and think of something relevant and catchy. In the description section, state precisely what design services you offer without beating about the bush. You may add something quirky, personal so that your audience can relate to it easily. 

When it comes to the link in your bio, it is your website or portfolio link. You need to add the name of your city as well because Instagrammers would like to know where you are located. Add emojis and some relevant hashtags in the bio to make your profile stand out and visible. 

Make your portfolio appealing to your audience

As you know there is nothing like highlighting your good work. Then, when it comes to your Instagram gallery, it should have stunning photos and videos related to your logo, wall art, website, business cards, brochures, and illustration design. You may share images or behind-the-scene shots of the work-in-progress of your logo design work. Additionally, share before and after photos if applicable, graphic design conceptualization, and happy customers choosing your design services. For client testimonials, you can share short video of your client praising your design. This way, you can buy real Instagram comments for your Instagram photos, Reels, and Stories. 

Create captions to support your Instagram visuals

When you share the image of a beautiful logo designed by you, it is not enough. You need to write a catchy caption to support your visuals. For instance, if you share a picture of your logo, explain clearly what that logo denotes and means to your brand. 

Good captions help your followers to interact by commenting, visiting the bio section, and liking your posts. Just because you offer graphic design services, you need not share serious content all the time. You may share a comic character you have designed to entertain your targeted audience. 

Then, while writing captions for your Instagram images, do not ask everyone to follow your social media handle. We recommend you not to request people to follow your Instagram account in the comments section. Do tell what the graphic design is for because your audience will not care at all. The images should be outstanding enough to appeal to your targeted audience. 

Keep your captions simple and easy to understand. Use short sentences, emojis, and avoid writing a long paragraph. Nobody will read. 

You can make your content interactive by asking questions through captions. Ask your followers to comment on your posts to build engagement and brand loyalty. Reply to all user comments quickly. 

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Post Instagram content consistently 

The Instagrammers love to know what you will post next and when to expect your photos or videos. You can post one relevant image or video daily, but keep it relevant and post at the same of the day. When you share your Instagram posts a couple of times a week, share on the same days consistently. This way, your audience knows when they will expect your next IG post.

Make sure you space out your Instagram photos and videos to show that you are sharing content regularly. Avoid sharing 10 posts in a day and vanishing for a week because it creates a bad impression about your design services.

When you post daily, even if a single photo every day, it shows your audience that you are active on Instagram and that will motivate people to like your graphic design page and follow the same. Posting once every day also ensures that you are not spamming their feeds with too much content. 


Keep these tips in mind to grow your graphic design services in 2021. Share stunning, relevant content with appropriate captions to garner likes, comments, and following on your Instagram posts. 

Top Instagram Tips and Tricks for Graphic Design Professionals to Prove their Mettle in 2021

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