8 Facts About Monstera Plants You Didn’t Know Before

8 Facts About Monstera Plants You Didn’t Know Before

Monstera plans are mostly found in southern parts of Mexico, Central America, and Panama. They are usually found in forests at high altitudes or in rainforests. Due to the ease of care they provide, they are popular as indoor plants. 

The striking appearance of their leaves and their exotic flowers are the reason people love to have these plants in their homes. However, most people don’t know much about these plants. So, we have outlined 8 of the most interesting facts about monstera plants you were probably unaware of. 

  1. There are More than 45 Varieties of Monstera Plant

Monstera is a plant of the family Araceae, comprising around 45 variations. The most famous member of this monstera family is the decorative and edible plant known as Monstera deliciosa. 

All monstera plants are easy to grow and require little care once they’re established. Monsteras can be grown indoors as well as outdoors in tropical or subtropical climates. You’ll need to water them regularly and fertilize them occasionally with an organic fertilizer for healthy foliage coloration. 

Some more distinct types of monstera plants are:

  • Monstera Dubia
  • Monstera Borsigniana
  • Monstera Obliqua
  • Monstera Variegata
  • Monstera Adansonii 

If you want to know more about the different types and species of monstera plants, you can refer to Foliage Friend. Here you can find all the information on all the essentials about monstera plants. 

  1. Monstera Fruits Exist, and They are Delicious

Monstera deliciosa is a type of monstera plant that has delicious fruit. This is the reason this species of the monstera plant is named so after its delicious taste. The shape of this fruit is just like that of corn with hexagonal scales, and it tastes like something between pineapple and passion fruit. 

In order to ripe the fruit, you will have to put it inside a jar or glass and cover it with a cloth. After some days, the hexagonal scales will start to fall off the stem. You can also nudge these scales off from the stem with a finger. 

  1. They can Come in Various Colors and Sizes

Monstera plants come in various colors and sizes. They grow to be up to 60 feet long and can weigh as much as 250 pounds. They are native to the rainforests of Central America and Mexico, but they can be grown indoors or outdoors in pots. 

Its unusual shape has earned it many nicknames, including Split-Leaf Philodendron and Swiss Cheese Plant. The strange-looking leaves have no practical use. They’re only there for show and home or office decoration. 

  1. Their Leaf Holes have More than One Function

Monstera plants have large holes in their leaves, and this is one of the reasons they have been named monstera (based on their monstrous and abnormal size). The leaf holes have more than one function. 

They are used for excess water and gas exchange, which is a process that allows air and carbon dioxide to enter the leaves, and for the release of water vapor from inside the plant. The large holes in the leaves result in a bigger surface area, which results in improved exposure to sunlight. 

This way, they will be exposed to more energy and will be able to maintain their shape and color. 

  1. Most of them don’t Need Direct Sunlight

It is true that monstera plants need bright sunlight, but they don’t have the endurance to tolerate direct sunlight. The plant prefers to live in a shady and dark place with other plants around it. 

Some species of the monstera plant need bright sunlight, and their growth inhibits if they are exposed to dark places or low light. 

Therefore, you should first analyze which monstera species you have at your home and learn about its requirements. If direct sunlight is essential for your plant’s growth, then you can use artificial light to mimic the sun’s effect on the plant. This will allow your plant to grow both healthily and rapidly. 

  1. Some Varieties Can be Toxic

Monstera plants can be toxic and poisonous to humans and animals. The plant contains raphides, which are needle-like crystals that can cause irritation if they come into contact with skin or eyes. 

It is also important to note that some varieties can be toxic if consumed improperly. Make sure you research the variety you want to grow before planting it. These plants are popular for their beautiful foliage, which is often used in floral arrangements and decorations. 

Some varieties of Monstera have long leaves that grow from the top of a single stalk. On the other hand, some produce flowers and smaller leaves at the base of the leaf stalks.

Fruit production from most varieties only occurs during rainy periods when daytime temperatures stay between 78-82 degrees Fahrenheit. 

  1. They can Make Good Gifts for Weddings

Monstera plants can be a good gift for housewarming parties and weddings. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors and are great for a living wall or a living room corner. 

Monstera plants thrive in humid areas such as bathrooms or kitchens because they love high levels of humidity so much. 

They also need lots of direct sunlight but don’t do well outdoors unless it is hot and humid all year long. So, they can be a good gift for your loved ones who live in humid areas. 

  1. They have Medicinal and Craft Uses

The monsteras are more than just beautiful houseplants. They have long been used for medicinal and craft purposes by civilizations all over the world. Depending on the region, it is common for people to use either one or both of these properties from monsteras. 

For example, in Latin America, people would use their leaves medicinally, while in Africa, their bark was often used as a dye. Nowadays, many people around the world still find ways to use them for various purposes, including both decorative and practical. 

Their roots have been used to weave into ropes and baskets. Their fibers result in a strong structure when woven. So, these are still used in Mexico to make baskets, food and clothing envelopes, and wicker furniture. 

These were some of the facts about the monstera plant you need to know if you are going to have one in your house or office.

8 Facts About Monstera Plants You Didn’t Know Before

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