How to Write a Recommendation Letter (Templates)

How to Write a Recommendation Letter (Templates)

Have you been asked to write a letter of recommendation? You appreciated your collaborator’s work, and you want to help him? Or do you like to suggest a model letter to the person who will recommend you? Our article is then made for you. A good letter of recommendation, the one that can make the difference, requires some substantive requirements, in particular, to be sufficiently motivated, but also in form, because its presentation counts. We invite you to discover some good advice and two sample letters of recommendation.


  1. How to write a letter of recommendation?
  2. How to submit a letter of recommendation?
  3. Two sample letters of recommendation

How to write a letter of recommendation?

You are asked to write a cover letter, and you wonder how to do it? Here are some rules to follow for it to have the desired effect. To inspire the trust of your recipient (a future employer, for example), your letter of recommendation must be motivated, personal, and spontaneous.

Here’s how to write it:

  • Start your letter of recommendation simply and naturally by explaining your approach. If you know which company the person wants to apply for, mention it.
  • In a second paragraph, briefly mention the background or the working relationship you had with the person, and introduce it. For example, you can indicate how long you have worked with her or mention one or more projects carried out or carried out together.
  • Then explain why you can objectively recommend the person, taking into account their career objective or the prerequisites of the application that your letter of recommendation must support. Highlight his professional skills, as well as his professional qualities. Do not hesitate to give a concrete example to illustrate your point.
  • Add a more personal sentence or two to show what you particularly appreciated about this person. These can be soft skills not mentioned in the previous paragraph, specific qualities, or pleasant personality traits.
  • End your letter of recommendation with a quick conclusion to frame your remarks and summarize the essentials. For example, you can indicate what you think the person can bring to the company.

Our advice: you are nothing obliged to agree to write a letter of recommendation. If you did not appreciate the employee’s work, or if, for whatever reason, you are not comfortable with the idea of ​​recommending this person, it is better to decline to provide this letter politely. Indeed, a letter of recommendation only has value and weight if it is sincere. If you write a letter out of simple courtesy, without emotional arguments, it will be of no use to the candidate, and you risk losing your credibility.

How to submit a letter of recommendation?

A letter of recommendation can be handwritten or typed. It should preferably meet the formal requirements of a letter:

  • Include a header with your identity and professional contact details.
  • Place as subject Letter of Recommendation. You can underline it or put it in bold.
  • Moderate your text so that your letter can fit on one page. Be sure to indent when you move from one paragraph to another to air your mail.
  • After closing your recommendations with a usual polite formula, recall your identity, company, and functions, then affix your handwritten signature.

Our advice: it is essential to leave your telephone number with your contact details to show that you do not take your recommendations lightly.

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Two sample letters of recommendation

Your former employee asked you to write him a letter of recommendation, and you don’t know where to start? Here are eight tips for writing a letter of recommendation that will make an impression.

When applying to a great school or for a new job, a letter of recommendation can be more effective than an application letter or a CV, no matter how good they are. Recruiters and schools often wait until the end of the evaluation process to read the letters, influencing them for their final decision.

An employer willing to pledge their name and reputation to recommend someone leaves a strong impression. Therefore, both schools and companies take these letters very seriously. And you should do the same if you are asked to write one. But what to say to make an impression? Here are some things to keep in mind and mention when writing a letter of recommendation for a former employee:

Make sure you are comfortable writing it

Please make sure you are comfortable writing it. While it’s an honor to be asked to write a letter of recommendation, only say yes if you’re sure you want to advocate for that person. If you didn’t know her or had a rather negative experience with her, you have the right to refuse politely. “I am honored by the trust you have shown me by asking me to write a letter of recommendation for you. Unfortunately, I feel compelled to decline your request. It would be better to choose another colleague whose approval will benefit you.

2. Find out about the purpose of the application.

Ask the candidate which position they are applying for. Whether it is a new job, an internship, or a study program, it is always a competitive context, but the skills and talents sought can be very different. A description of the role or admission criteria will let you know what qualifications to put forward.

3. Use an enthusiastic tone.

It would be easy to confirm that you worked with one person and had no problems with each other. But a letter of recommendation must make its reader feel that you sincerely believe in this person and that it is a real chance to work with them.

4. Explain to the reader your relationship with the person concerned.

In the body of the letter, briefly share how you came to work together. It will contextualize your relationship and help the reader understand that your recommendation comes from real interaction with the candidate.

5. Explain what impressed you the most

Companies and schools are not just looking for a list of skills. They want a person who will be able to integrate into the environment and get along with their peers. You can then share your impression of the candidate on topics beyond practical experience. It is also a way to show that the candidate can still improve and that they are not afraid to learn.

6. Share some of his skills and successes

List some of the candidate’s main qualities and give an example of a situation where these skills have been proven. Mention his ability to work in a team with his colleagues and build relationships. It is the type of success that companies are looking for to ensure they are betting on the right horse.

7. End your recommendation on a high note

It’s now or never to clarify your recommendation and convince the reader that he will bite his fingers if he does not recruit or accept the candidate.

8. Be brief

This letter is part of an application package, and the reader wants to cut it to the chase. Do you recommend this person, and why? Once you’ve clarified these points, you’ve done your part of the job.

Structure your letter

Be sure to use the official letter format, with professional salutations and your title and contact information. Here is the plan:

  • Greeting
  • Introduction
  • Presentation of the role of the candidate
  • Impressions and successes
  • Conclusion

Refer to our sample letter below if you’ve never written a letter of recommendation or are lacking in practice.

Sample Letter of Recommendation for a Former Colleague or Former Employee

John Person
Marketing director
ACME Corporation

Dear Mr. Nobody,

With great pleasure, I recommend Julie Dupont as a Marketing Specialist at ACME Corporation. Julie worked at XYZ agency for three years and as a marketing specialist with my project team for two years.

I started working with Julie in 2018. She supported my team for two years, and I had the chance to work directly with her on several very complex projects. She helped a group of five project managers with several projects running simultaneously.

I was immediately impressed by Julie’s willingness to find out what she didn’t know and by her ability to learn new tasks and dive into them whenever help was needed. She quickly proved to be a significant asset, well beyond her initial role.

Julie has an excellent critical and analytical mind, and she examines all the elements of a process to ensure that the best possible results are achieved. When she worked with my team, she identified two significant issues and improved our operations to save our organization thousands of dollars for years to come. In addition to her upbeat personality and calm nature, she became a respected team pillar who knew they could count on her.

Although I would love to have her on my team again, I am delighted that Julie continues to evolve. She will be a great asset to any team, and I recommend her without hesitation. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me by phone or e-mail: you will find my contact details below. Thank you for your time.


Jane Martin
PMO Director

XYZ Agency

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