Escape Room Owners: 5 Ways To Enhance The Experience Of Your Gamers

Escape Room Owners: 5 Ways To Enhance The Experience Of Your Gamers

Going inside an escape room and actually experiencing it sounds like a dream come true, you get to experience all of the twists and turns and excitement it offers, but actually owning one? Now we’re talking! Escape rooms are the new trend and are often used for a wide array of reasons, such as corporate team buildings, or just a cool way to destress but learning a thing or two.

Which makes Escape Rooms an innovative business idea! But what can you do to make sure that your escape room will be the best? So listen up Escape Room Owners! Here are 5 Ways To Enhance The Experience Of Your Gamers:

  1. Safety First

This is imperative for any type of business whether it’s in the gaming industry, sales, entrepreneurship, or what, safety should always come first. Invest in your safety kits, first aiders, and other health kits that your customers might also need in case of any unwanted situations. Have a fire and earthquake plan and readily discuss this with your consumers as well.

Tip: It is also best that you place this on your website if you ever have one, so customers feel safe and secure when they’re going to participate in your escape room.

  1. Good storyline

This is what sets apart good escape rooms from great ones. It’s easier to think of puzzles that are interwoven into a story, but it’s the storyline that really matters. Think of it this way, let’s say you’re a film director and have greatly invested in state of art CGI effects, but your script and storyline itself are a traditional one wherein a superhero comes in and saves the day. Surely enough someone’s going to watch but for the feedback that matters too, you won’t have to return customers and always remember that word of mouth is the most affordable advertisement technique, and this is why having a good story is as important as the puzzles inside the escape room.  

  1. Themes work wonders

Big fan of Prison Break? How to Get Away With Murder? Brooklyn 99? Then try to make an escape room theme that revolves around these wonderful shows. Remember that escape rooms are a new trend which means there are other innovative and creative themes out there. But the key here is not about how “creative” a theme is but how well-known it is. For example, themes from Netflix, or other streaming platforms, or pop culture is a new source of plausible themes for escape rooms!

  1. Immersive Experience

So, you have your theme down, have a great storyline, and medics all around. So, what else is there? Well, the whole point of escape rooms is to bring you into a new experience that’s straight out from mystery films and novels, right? This is why the total ambiance or the total vibe should match the theme, and story. For example, if you’re working on a prison break escape room, then the setting should be about inmates, bunk beds, and wardens. Everything should be in sync with one another including the sounds, music, and even flow to create that immersive experience that keeps your customers wanting more! Check out Seattle escape room for one of the best Immersive Experiences.

  1. Puzzles that make sense

Lastly, the thing that ties all these factors together is the puzzles. The heart of any escape room is of course their careful and innovative puzzles. But being creative and innovative is not nearly enough, it has to make some sense. Sure, not all puzzles are meaningful, but there is a certain connection toward one another as to solve this puzzle you must first understand the prior puzzle and its connection towards the other one.

Tip: It’s also recommended to bring to life several puzzles from pop culture topics such as a case from How to Get Away with Murder for example.

Well, of course, the best tip would be to actually experience one yourself firsthand, so you have a proper basis on what it feels like. Refer to fox Chicago for good ideas on how to start your escape room business!

It won’t be called an escape room without puzzles, and it’s really important to understand how all of these factors work well together and blend in perfect cohesion to give the players the thrilling experience they’re all looking for!

Best lighting designs to amp up your entryway

Escape Room Owners: 5 Ways To Enhance The Experience Of Your Gamers

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