Black men thinning hair solution

black men with thinning hair

Black Men Thinning Hair Solution The most common cause of hair loss for black men, is Male Pattern Baldness, an endogenous alopecia which is hereditary and therefore considered unavoidable, but treatable. Hair loss is an extremely sensitive topic for men. It takes a lot of courage to recognize that you have a problem with hair loss and more courage to … Read more

7 Ways to stay healthy this Winter

Ways to stay healthy this Winter

7 Ways to stay healthy this Winter The Dark Side is Hereā€¦ Staying healthy during winter is something that should be a priority for everyone. However, currently, it is even more of a concern than usual. It is not surprising that some people can become overwhelmed with all that they have to or should do … Read more

9 ways to take care of your mental health

9 ways to take care of your mental health

9 ways to take care of your mental health Introduction  In the recent decade, the stigmatization of mental health has decreased to some extent. As a result, more and more people are willing to discuss mental health and its care. Where previously such discussions took place in academic settings or close-knit circles only, now workplaces, … Read more

Niacinamide Serum: What It Is and Benefits for Skin

Niacinamide Serum: What It Is and Benefits for Skin

Niacinamide Serum: What It Is and Benefits for Skin Nowadays, we find a lot of different ingredients in the skincare industry that is uniquely formulated for different skin problems. These ingredients are present in varying percentages in products. One should always choose the right quantity depending on their skin type, as too much or too … Read more