7 Reasons Why Every Singapore-based Business Absolutely Needs SEO

7 Reasons Why Every Singapore-based Business Absolutely Needs SEO

Imagine this: you’re living in Singapore and just starting a business. Even though you’ve just stepped into the corporate world, you probably already know how much competition there is. So, how can you keep existing customers and attract new ones in this cut-throat competition? Well, consider taking the help of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)!

It involves both on-page and off-page SEO strategies like improving page loading speed and optimizing content for keywords. These aim to help search engines like Google realize what your business is about. It enables you to establish your business and sit as a trusted source that provides a great customer experience.

For instance, whenever you search for something on Google, think about the times you have made it to the second page of the search engine. If you have found your answer within the top 5 results, you wouldn’t even scroll down to the second half of the page, making it vital to take advantage of SEO.

Here are some practical reasons why every Singapore-based business like yours needs SEO.

Draws more traffic

SEO can boost your web traffic by ensuring your site features relevant searches, helping you attract more visitors. SEO is the process of acquiring a natural position on search engines. It can attract traffic by using various SEO techniques such as keyword research, link building, backlinking or long-tail keywords.

Besides that, SEO can improve your ranking by using location-based keywords. For instance, if you offer SEO marketing services in Singapore and wish to attract local customers only, consider using a keyword with a location like ‘SEO Singapore agency’ rather than just ‘SEO agency.’

Moreover, you can look for keyword planner tools to find the occurrence of searches for phrases and words related to your services and products. With the help of these results, you can update your website according to the most common searched terms.

Creates authority

With the help of SEO, your business can get top search rankings and visibility. As a result, it establishes an excellent reputation and increases brand awareness. For instance, if someone searches for ‘the best cleaning services and your site shows up in the top 5 results. Customers will have the impression that you are a significant player in the market with a powerful reputation.

However, getting the top ranking for your site in such a competitive keyword is not easy. Hence, it’s vital to target a narrow niche. Doing so can help you rank faster than targeting a wide niche with more competitors. For instance, ranking for a primary phrase like ‘women’s dresses’ is simple than the general keyword ‘dresses.’

Target specific customers

The best part about SEO is that it allows you to target a specific audience with specific search intentions. With a marketing tool like SEO, you can focus on commercial search objectives like “discount” or “buy.” Such queries are usually used by people who are ready to buy and know what they prefer; they are in the final decision-making process.

Moreover, instead of generalizing and getting customers with zero sales, SEO helps you target a particular group of audience who is more likely to purchase. In addition, you can assess long-tail keywords that are more precise about the intention of your buyers. You can join this research with highly relevant content and strong links, allowing your site to rank well on search engines.

Builds trust

You already know; that a lot of individuals search for services online. But you need to know that search engines play a significant role in bringing companies and customers together. Whether you have been in the business for a while or are less well-known, potential customers can know about you with the help of SEO. It can help your company prove trustworthiness by showing your website as top results on the search engine in Singapore.

For instance, the ‘about page’ on your website allows you to share your message, values, and story. Sharing all these things enables you to build trust with your visitors. Search engines like Google are pretty smart and will take this information as a sign of your trustworthiness.


Undoubtedly, SEO costs some amount of money. However, don’t all good things do? Even though SEO isn’t free, it is relatively less expensive in the massive scheme of things. Not just that, it’s likely to pay off the most in terms of your business’s benefits, making it an actual business investment instead of a marketing expense.

Improves the customer experience

As an entrepreneur, you need to give your customers the best experience. You not only want to satisfy the customer with your services, so they return, but also so that they spread the good word amongst their friends and family. A great way to improve customer experience is by using SEO as your primary tool.

With SEO, you can rank for specific services to ensure your customers can find you easily. For instance, a hairdresser might focus on hair styling or treatments. Such services become keywords or phrases; that potential customers will type into search engines.

To ensure this works effectively, each of your services must have its own page explaining what the target audience can expect. Separate pages provide more opportunities to use keywords and build connections with your customers by comprehensively explaining your services.

Besides that, great quality reviews can help you stand out in the crowd. Even though reviews have a mall ranking signal regarding SEO, they play a significant role in deciding whether a customer uses your services. 7 Reasons Why Every Singapore-based Business Absolutely Needs SEO

Reaches the audience in various stages of the journey

Remember, there are at least four major stages that a chance goes through before turning into a sale:

  • Reach
  • Gaining
  • Conversion
  • Retaining

Whenever a potential customer puts in a search phrase in the search engine, they will be in one of these four stages. While some users search for more, others know what they want and are looking for, making it easier for you to transform them with promotional content.

SEO helps you target all the customers, regardless of stage, based on the keywords they type. Moreover, unlike paid traffic which only drives the audience when you activate a campaign, SEO brings traffic to your website. As a result, you don’t have to stress about advertising budgets. Not just that, SEO can improve your offline sale, too, as some customers might prefer visiting your brick-and-mortar company.

Final thoughts

SEO is a string inbound content marketing strategy that can help you grow your business. Not just that, it allows you to turn your site into an asset that continues to drive more traffic and generate higher revenue. All you need to do is look for the right SEO strategy and improve your page rankings, helping you thrive in the market. 


7 Reasons Why Every Singapore-based Business Absolutely Needs SEO

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