The Main Components Used In the Products of Composite Decking 

The Main Components Used In the Products of Composite Decking 

You might have wondered why IPE composite decking is so strong and superior to other decking materials? It is because of its components. No wonder homeowners who are aware of the benefits of composite decking prefer installing it in their home than other decking materials.  The decking offers a lot of benefits. It is durable, resistant to the elements, beautiful, and lasts longer. To understand more about composite decking, let us discuss the main components used in composite decking products.

Components of Composite Decking

 The word composite means a mixture of two materials, one of which makes the other stronger. So, when you think of IPE composite decking, a decking that contains a mixture of two materials should come to mind. Composite decking contains two materials making it different from wood decking that contains 100% wood. It also differs from plastic decking that contains 100% plastic. What are the main components used in the products of composite decking? 

Composite decking is a decking material that is made from wood fibers and recycled plastic. The recycled plastic and the wood fibers together with binding agents are mixed and then heated. The mixture is poured into molding blocks and allowed to cool to form composite decking. It is the combination of these two materials that form composite decking. That’s why the composite board is also known by many as wood-plastic decking or plastic wood decking. 

Benefits of Composite Decking

The components of composite decking give the board added advantage over other decking materials. Wood-plastic decking is durable, beautiful, long-lasting, and easy to maintain.


Wood-plastic decking is superior to timber decking as it is more durable. The decking board is strong, making it resistant to the elements. IPE composite decking can not break easily like wood; it also can not splinter. Timber decking is 100% natural, which makes it less durable. It is susceptible to termite damage unless you apply chemicals to the wood. Besides that, wood can warp, swell and even decay.


The components of composite decking also added to its aesthetics. Since it contains both wood and plastic, the board can be customized to look like wood or plastic. Composite decking board surfaces can look natural like wood, and you won’t be able to tell the difference. Homeowners who love the texture of the wood can not miss out if they purchase composite decking.

Its beautiful appearance makes wood-plastic decking have more aesthetic value than PVC and timber decking. PVC and wood decking is beautiful, but composite decking is more beautiful. If you use plastic wood decking in your outdoor area, its beautiful appearance will make your home inviting.

Long Lifespan

The lifespan of composite decking is more than that of timber and even plastic decking. A timber decking average lifespan with proper maintenance is 15 years. Plastic or PVC decking lasts longer since it’s durable like the composite board, but its lifespan is not more than composite. A PVC board can last for 20 years, while composite decking can last for 25 to 30 years. The lifespan of composite decking is a reason the board is the most sought after.

Easy Maintenance

Composite decking is easy to maintain. The board is easy to clean with water and liquid soap.  Also, it doesn’t require much money on maintenance. The composite board requires regular cleaning to make it beautiful for years. Wood decking needs plenty of money for maintenance as you will have to sand, paint, stain, and seal the board. But with composite decking, you will have a lot of savings. There won’t be any need to spend them like you would with wood decking.


Wood fibers and recycled plastic are the main components of composite decking. It makes the board the best decking material than timber and even plastic decking.

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The Main Components Used In the Products of Composite Decking 

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