Are Feathered/Furry dragons a thing?

Are Feathered/Furry dragons a thing?

Yes, Actually, Very Common Things Too. A Lot Of People Tend To Love Them And Use Them As Their Characters! There areThere’s These Things Called “Dutch Angel Dragons” Or, As Some People Like To Call Them, Dutchies If You’ve Ever Heard It By That Name.

Feathered and furry dragons are not typically depicted in traditional Western mythology and folklore. However, in some modern fantasy literature, art, and media, there are depictions of dragons with feathers or fur. These interpretations are often influenced by the creative imagination of the artists and writers who seek to explore different variations of dragon mythology.

A dragon is a fictional creature that is an amalgamation of a bunch of animals. The classic goat/lion/snake chimera is technically a dragon. Most dragons have scales, heads, horns, a tail, and some appendages. But they don’t have to.

There are feathered dragons and scaled dragons in mythology, for sure. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were a furred dragon somewhere. If you want a dragon to have feathers or fur, go ahead and make one.
It’s all fictional, really, and while some people like to claim the critter that they call a dragon as being homogenous across all cultures, they are pretty varied, and many don’t really resemble each other.

Depends on what you mean by “a thing”. Are either real? Well, Yi-qi was a dinosaur I’d totally call a “feathered dragon,” but that’s just me.

(Credit John Conway) Outside of that, dragons aren’t real besides real animals colloquially referred to as dragons. But in art, there’s a long tradition of furred dragons, although feathered ones seem more modern and rare.

Are Feathered/Furry dragons a thing?

The feathered serpents of the Mayan and Aztec civilizations are frequently presented as dragons, although they don’t fit the usual watery, chaotic tropes. Medieval dragons were frequently presented with mammalian features, like ears, wet noses, and, yep, fur.

And… eyes on their wings? That’s just… how would they fly… that would hurt so bad… Anyway, furry dragons continue to this day, but not so warped and strange as their medieval counterparts.

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Yes, Actually, they are Very Common Things Too. A Lot Of People Tend To Love Them And Use Them As Their Characters! There are These Things Called “Dutch Angel Dragons” Or, As Some People Like To Call Them, Dutchies If You’ve Ever Heard That Name.

Ripped Straight From The Google Search On Who Create Them, It Comes Up With The Following: “Dutch Angel Dragons, more commonly known by their shortened name as simply “Angel Dragons,” are an open and regulated species developed by and copyrighted to Deanna Biesemeyer/Ino. She is the creator of the first (Dutch) Angel Dragon character: Telephone.”

Meaning Yes, They Do Exist, And Yes, They Are Adorable.Simply Typing “Feathered Dragon” Into Google Or Any Other Search Engine Will Come Up With Hundreds Upon Hundreds Of Results And Images, Possibly Even Thousands. So Overall, Yes. Both Are A Thing.

If dragons are real, what would they look like?

A cute leaf dragon.

Yes. They’re actually fairly common. Have you ever heard of Telephone? They started the Dutch Angel Dragon fad. My closest friend is a fendrake (fennec fox/dragon hybrid). There are furred dragons, too. They’re pretty cute.

Feathered dragons are rarer, but I see them from time to time on sites such as FurAffinity.
Are you interested in making your fursona into a furred/feathered dragon?

PS: If you ask ‘are species X a thing?’ to the furry fandom, the answer is ‘probably yes. However, if no, please, go ahead and make it.’ We are a fandom based around imagination and creation, after all, so feel free to exercise your right to the freedom of expression!

In the realm of mythology, fantasy literature, and popular culture, dragons are often depicted in various forms, and this includes feathered or furry dragons. While the classical Western dragon image is usually portrayed as a large, reptilian creature with scales and wings, artistic interpretations and creative works have explored alternative designs.

Feathered or furry dragons can be found in fantasy literature, art, and various forms of media. Some authors and artists choose to reimagine dragons with features traditionally associated with birds or mammals, bringing a different aesthetic and personality to these mythical creatures. These variations can include:

  1. Feathered Dragons: Dragons with feathers may be inspired by birds, adopting plumage on their wings or bodies. This concept draws from the diversity of winged creatures in nature.
  2. Furry Dragons: Furry dragons may have fur-like coverings on their bodies, similar to mammals. This design choice can add a softer and more creature-like quality to dragons.

These alternative dragon designs are often driven by the desire to create unique and imaginative worlds. Cultural myths and legends beyond the Western dragon archetype can also influence them. In East Asian cultures, for example, dragons are often depicted with features resembling multiple animals, including those with fur or feathers.

The flexibility of dragon depictions allows for a wide range of interpretations, and artists and creators are free to explore various elements to suit their creative vision. Whether scaled, feathered, furry, or a combination of features, dragons in fantasy settings can take on diverse and captivating forms.Feathered Furry dragons

Were dragons real?

If you were to ask one hundred people what the answer was and how did they come to that conclusion you would get one hundred different answers. So, what I’m going to do is present you with mine. How were they real? Where’s the evidence of their existence? The answer is all around you, metaphorically speaking.

How many times do dragons appear in fantasy literature? You’d be lacking a little intellect if you didn’t say a lot. A whole hell of a lot. Tolkien, Martin, Salvatore, McCaffrey, Showalter, and the list goes on and on.

Each of them presents a different take on the dragon, and they are doing much the same thing as our ancestors when they came into direct contact with the creature.

For a little more concrete evidence we’ll add classical literature to our answer, myths and legends that date back to the earliest point of recorded history. Dragons appear in every culture’s mythos. In Medieval Europe we have the most famous interpretation of the dragon, with four legs and two wings. 

In China, you have sea-serpent-like dragons. They could fly due to magical powers, and each had some form of element incorporated into its existence. In Aztec and Mayan cultures, dragons were revered as gods, with Quetzalcoatl (meaning feathered serpent) standing above all others.

In Egyptian mythology, dragons were also revered as gods, with Apep appearing “as a terrifying sea-serpent” (“Ancient Egypt-Valley of Dragons”). The Piasa or Piasa Bird is the noted Native American equivalent of the dragon.

Now ask yourself, how’s it possible that these creatures appear in the myths and legends of civilizations that had absolutely no contact with the other at the time of inception?

Statistically speaking, they were real. Living human beings interacted with and worshipped these beasts (most of whom are said to be more intelligent than any other animal; some even say they surpassed human intelligence).

They were a part of our society, guiding us in a direction that suited them, and likely, they built great civilizations around these dragons. Take Atlantis as the most likely representation of this civilization now wholly lost to time.

Now, let’s add to those statistics. The ocean covers 70% of the earth. How much of the ocean floor has been mapped? Answer: 5% That leaves 65% that we have no idea of what’s living there. We know more about the surface of Mars than we do about our own.

Plus, we don’t know Jack about the fifth largest continent on the planet, Antarctica. We know about the desert-like conditions across much of its surface; we know that Antarctica has the absolute worst weather on the planet, with some circumstances bad enough to freeze you solid in minutes.

But what’s beneath the 1.2 miles of ice? There is a whole world down there as foreign to us as the surface of Mars is. What is waiting to be discovered? What kind of civilizations were there? What bones will be found? What creatures will they be adding to the fossil records?

There are other topics relating to the existence of dragons. But, for the sake of brevity I’m going to link to another one of my answers for this sort of topic. Also, feel free to check out my blogs on Medium and WordPress. The focus of those right now is posting these answers there, but I do other things like short stories and poetry.

If you want to keep up with all the Kinsgrove-related news, feel free to sign up for the Kinsgrovian Press. And, as one final note, I’ve got a book for sale. It’s a horror novel with a touch of urban fantasy. If you want to check it out, here is a conveniently placed link.

Is it true that dragons exist?

Of course, dragons exist. I’m talking about the real fire-breathing flying serpents. If dragons were in the tales of only one culture or only by one author, dragons are a work of fiction. But look around you:- Europe, Asia, and even the Americas have legends of dragons. Now, how can all cultures come to the same creature even though they are miles apart?

I have two conclusions: one is that there was a primitive Google where troglodytes used to read stories of dragons or that dragons exist. In the dark ages, magic was a weapon, love was a mystery, adventure was everywhere and dragons were real.

Did adult Tyrannosaurs Rexes have feathers?

Possibly not. The tyrannosauroid dinosaurs that possessed relatively complex feathers were smaller than 3 meters long. Even Yutirannus huali (Xu et al. 2012) was only 6 meters long and possessed slight feathering. So, something twice as big as an adult, a Tyrannosaurus rex (being giant, it could have kept its heat better without the need for feathers), would not have needed feathers.

Could flying dragons, sea dragons, etc., actually exist as real animals?

Why cant airline pilots have Beards?

Draco Lizards, or Flying Dragons, are capable of “flying” through the sky like a mythical dragon. They have scaly membranes between their forelegs and hindlegs, supported by an enlarged set of ribs, which helps them glide up to 160 feet from tree to tree. There are more than 40 species of flying dragons, but all of them are small, with an average size of about 3 inches. Feathered Furry dragons

Can a drakaina (female dragon x human hybrid from Greek mythology) be an actual furry species?

Out of so many mythological species, many are better furries, like the minotaur. But in regards to Scythian dracaena, it’s kind of like a mermaid. When they say half this and half that, they mean it literally. The top half is all human, with no animal features.

And the bottom half is animals, with slight modifications to better fit the human lifestyle. Otherwise, she would only be able to move around by slithering on the floor or dragging herself. And would not be able to stand up straight, per se? Yes, to sit up straight, though.

Do dragon-like birds exist in real life?

While there are no known birds that closely resemble the mythical dragon, there are a few bird species that share some characteristics with dragons.

One example is the cassowary, which is a large flightless bird native to Australia and New Guinea. Cassowaries have a prominent casque on their heads, which is a bony structure that resembles a horn or crest. They also have sharp, dagger-like claws that they can use for defense.

Another example is the secretary bird, which is a large bird of prey found in Africa. Secretary birds have long, snake-like legs and can deliver powerful kicks with their paws, which they use to kill their prey. They also have a distinctive crest of feathers on their head that can be raised to make them appear larger and more intimidating.

While these birds may not have the fire-breathing abilities or other magical powers of dragons, they do possess some characteristics that could be considered “dragon-like” in nature.

What similarities do feathered dinosaurs have in common with dragons?

What similarities do feathered dinosaurs have in common with dragons? I have corrected the grammar. I hope you don’t mind. Below are pictured some dragons, none of them too fierce. The first is the bearded dragon, who lives in the desert not far from where I live.

The second, the Komodo dragon, is one I have never met. He lives in Indonesia, not far to the north of here. The third, the leafy sea dragon, lives in waters that I can see through my window right now. He is the state marine symbol of South Australia. They have little in common with birds, the only living feathered dinosaurs, except that all are animals.

Do feathered dragons exist in fantasy settings?

Anything can exist in a fantasy setting that is why it is called fantasy. I have heard of Dragons that have some feathers in limited areas, but they are mostly depicted as lizards with scales and wings like bats with skin stretching between their fingers. Feathered Furry dragons

Did tricerotops have feathers?

Triceratops skin impressions are known, though they are undescribed. The back and sides are covered with a mosaic of scales, the smallest of which are the size of a large man’s palm and the largest of which are the size of dinner plates.

Some of these plate-size scales have raised cones on them, which some have postulated bore a bristle like a hedgehog’s. These scales, incidentally, are the largest non-osteoderm-supported scales known. The belly, meanwhile, had rectangular scales and would not have looked dissimilar to an alligator’s.

The skull was covered in a keratin sheath and did not bear scales except, perhaps, around the eyes and nose or on the lower jaw. This strengthened the frill and lengthened the horns.

Did Carnotaurus have feathers?

The skin impressions show only scales, but those impressions are far from complete and don’t prove that feathers could not have been present elsewhere in the animal (we don’t have impressions from the dorsum). Feathered integument seems to be the norm in most ornithodirans, with few exceptions (which lost their feathers instead of never having them) – Ankylosauria, for example. We are not sure if Carnotaurus is one of those.

Do dragons have scales or feathers? Are there any mythical creatures with scales?

Dragons were really some of the prehistoric animals; some walked, others flew. In this last group, searchers found few with feathers, the rest scales. A doubt is that it could produce fire, with the gas methane ore butane, off digestion. Ruminants, like cows, produce gas. In some diseases, vets sting the rumen, one off their stomachs, and if they fire approach, make a long string of fire.

What are dragons supposed to look like?

Dragons are mythical creatures. They’re not real. They only appear in stories and legends. What a dragon is and what it’s supposed to look like depends entirely on the author of whatever story it comes from.

To the Chinese, dragons are mythical creatures who control elements. They look like giant serpents with antlers, bull snouts, and beards. They may have 4 legs or none at all, but they certainly have no wings.

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To Europeans, dragons are powerful fire-breathing creatures. They have 4 legs and 2 wings, so 6 limbs in total. To the makers of the movie Reign of Fire and TV series Game of Thrones, dragons are evil creatures who feed on ashes and breathe fire. They have 4 legs, and their wings are attached to their 2 front legs.Feathered Furry dragons

To the makers of the movie How to Train Your Dragon, dragons are friendly companions. They come in all shapes and sizes and have vibrant, beautiful colors. There is no wrong way to define a dragon. Since they aren’t real, they are whatever you want them to be, and they look however you think they should look.

If you’re writing a book and your dragon is as little as a rat, has six legs, 4 wings, 2 heads, and fur covering its body, nobody can tell you it’s wrong. It’s your story, so you make your dragons.

Do all tyrannosaurs have feathers, or are they just on some of them like Yutyrannus? If so, do they help with anything other than looks, or are they only for show?

We have skin impressions of tyrannosaurus rex, so we know it wasn’t covered in feathers; we also have enough information about other dinosaurs to realize they were not covered in feathers, but there are also plenty of mammals that are not covered in hair, elephants, rhinos, the earth was much warmer then and they where big animals like elephants and rhinos but even more significant.

It’s still an unanswered question as to how prevalent feathers were a part of dinosaurs; dinosaurs can be broken up into two major groups, and we have found evidence of potential early feathers in both. We have also known for a while that pterosaurs had a fluff covering.

which was thought to have evolved independently, but recently discovered species show they were very much like primate proto feathers, suggesting that the beginning of feather evolved before dinosaurs evolved; it’s also been demonstrated crocodiles have protein in their scales that are a part of feathers, suggesting maybe the ability to evolve feather cane before they split with the ancestors of dinosaurs. They don’t have feathers for the same reason whales and hippos don’t.

Do you think that dragons actually existed?

I have no evidence to back this up, but I like to believe that dragons really existed alongside dinosaurs. The only reason we can’t say dragons existed is because we haven’t found any dragons, but we have found dinosaurs.

My theory is that some dinosaurs were dragons and that their wonga were completely cartilage and flesh. If their wings didn’t have any bones, then the wings would’ve rotted over time so that there wouldn’t be any evidence of their presence.

Did adult Tyrannosaurs Rexes have feathers?

Very likely. Although there is no direct evidence for Tyrannosaurus having feathers, members of its family tree have been shown to possess feathers. Yutyrannus, a relative of T-rex, has a complete covering of feathers:

This suggests that feathers started before they split, with feather-like filaments showing up in Pterosaurs. All dinosaurs likely came from a feathered ancestor.

Due to Tyrannosaurus’s metabolism it would radiate heat and would need some form of covering to help with this. Yutyrannus shows that large animals can have feathers and the climate it lived in was similar to that of Tyrannosaurus.

It should also be noted that, unlike hair, feathers work better at regulating body temperature. Ostriches live in an environment far hotter than hell creek, where Tyrannosaurus is from, and are active in the day out in the open when wallabies seek shelter under trees. Therefore, Tyrannosaurus would not overheat with feathers, making it unlikely to lose them if it had them as an adult.Feathered Furry dragons

The fact that direct relatives have full feathered coverings and that even dinosaurs on the other side of the dinosaur family tree possess them makes it pretty likely that Tyrannosaurus had feathers – even as an adult.

What is the name of a dragon with wings and arms?

If the creature you are referring to looks something like this then it is referred to as a lindworm or lindworm. Most of them can’t breathe fire, but they do have acid spit and a nasty bite, as well as the ability to coil around an enemy and strangle them to death.

Are there any historical examples of a Furry phenomenon or culture that predate the 1960s?

These were Egyptian gods. People believed in them for quite a while, and they have some furry features. Greek mythology portrayed things like centaurs, minotaurs, and mermaids.

And there are also Aztec furries. Now, unlike Egyptian or Greek ones, Aztec “furries” were real people. They had tons of decorations and ornaments and went to battle like that. They were mighty warriors. They were the best of the best in their era, and they looked really cool.

If you consider this furry or not, it is up to you. But indeed, these civilizations had respect and admiration for animals, and some of them looked really cool. Feathered Furry dragons

What is a dragon with wings called?

Drakaina from Greek myth half-human female and half-dragon. It said dracaena have the lower half of a serpent and the upper half of a woman. Zduhac from Bulgarian myth half-human male and half-dragon. Legend has it as a human male with dragon traits like wings and a tail.

Amphiphere European heraldry Sárkany from Hungarian myth, what everyone thinks of as a default western Wyvern from British Zmey is a multi-headed dragon that is malevolent and has the same power as the eastern dragon

Zmeu are the offspring of humans and dragon and are said to be anthropomorphic dragon. Tugarin are another anthropomorphic dragon but not an offspring of a dragon and human. Said it like a snake with a fiery scale

If most dinosaurs were feathered, does that change how you think of dragons?

Nope. I don’t consider them to be a closely related species. No more than humans are related to apes. Dragons might be descended from pterodactyls because both fly, but clearly, dragons have little in common with other dinosaur species.Feathered Furry dragons

Now, dragons might have developed as a species well after the Jurassic age. This is why we have horses, elephants, cats, dogs, cows, and sheep. All of them are slightly related to the dinos of millions of years ago, but you wouldn’t mistake a triceratops for a cow.

Others here say dragons are only fantasy creatures. How did people make them up? Dinosaur bones, of course. Not related, but mistaken for what was found in the earth.

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Given that the concept of dragons was developed independently in many different areas of the world, the idea certainly was not from a single source of imagination.

Why, in religion, are dragons reptiles with fur or feathers? Is it to suspect because they are similar to accurate dinosaurs?

There are a lot of different religions, too many to be sure what every one of them teaches, but none that I’m aware of has an actual doctrine about dragons, including details of their skin covering. That your culture includes stories about dragons and that your religions writings sometimes reference these beliefs is not quite the same as the religion teaching about dragons.

For that matter, there are a lot of cultures that have creatures whose names are translated as “dragon,” but these are not all the same sort of creature. The western dragon evolved (culturally, not biologically) from stories about giant snakes.

Asian dragons are probably exaggerated and stylized alligators. Other dragons from other cultures are other things. Note that our standard, modern, western image of a “dragon” is only a couple of centuries old; medieval dragons looked different, and dragons depicted in ancient art are different yet.

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