10 simple tricks to remove water from the ear
After a good bath, the water that stays inside our ear and refuses to come out is one of the typical summer annoyances on beaches and swimming pools.
A very uncomfortable and unpleasant situation that will probably make us jump in the sand, not always successfully, can also be harmful to the health of our ears, even causing otitis.
Sometimes it comes out very quickly, just by turning your head. Still, it sometimes seems to get stuck and produces uncomfortable internal noises, small hearing losses, and constant discomfort, even when we open and close our mouths.
That is why something as eccentric as seeing someone in a bathing suit jumping on one leg with their head tilted has always been one of the typical scenes of summer.
10 simple tricks to remove water from the ear
1- It is probably the most used formula, and it only requires that we put our head parallel to the ground with the ‘waterlogged’ ear pointed downwards and started jumping. It will be more effective if you keep your earlobe pulled down while you jump, opening up your ear canal.
2- But before that, it is customary to start by rubbing the ear or stretching the lobe while tilting the head down and shaking it a little. It works many times, and no more show is needed.
3- It is even easier to leave work to the law of gravity. And for that, it is enough for us to lie on our side with the affected ear resting on the towel for about five minutes, waiting for the water to come out slowly. It also works many times and effortlessly.
4- Another effective formula is to make a vacuum in the affected ear. Once again, we tilt the head to make it parallel to the ground. We place the palm forming an airtight seal on the ear, pointing down, and begin to press inward and release suddenly. It will create an empty effect that can remove the water in the style of the old plungers.
5- Very simple is to bet on yawning or chewing to remove water stuck in the ear. Because this natural and straightforward exercise can relieve tension in the Eustachian tubes, chewing gum would help carry out this exercise without performing it.
10 simple tricks to remove water from the ear
6- A little more scientific is the Valsalva maneuver, discovered by the Italian doctor of the same name and used very frequently to equalize pressures, both in diving and in airplanes, to avoid discomfort when we are subjected to changes in pressure.
The maneuver consists of taking a deep breath, closing your mouth, covering your nose by pinching your nostrils with your fingers, and blowing through your nose. We will feel something similar to an explosion that will mean that the Eustachian tubes have opened, and at that moment, the water may come out.
But you have to be careful not to blow too hard, as we could damage the eardrum.
7- Surprising for many may be using a hairdryer to get rid of the water in the ear. Of course, you have to do it carefully and prudently so as not to do more harm than good.
The way is to turn on the dryer at the lowest power and a temperature not too high. We place it about 30 centimeters from the ear, and we move it closer and further away while we pull down on the lobe to open the hot air a little way.
10 simple tricks to remove water from the ear
8- Apply a few drops of a mixture of alcohol and vinegar in equal parts to help evaporate the water trapped in the ear. The combination has the advantage that, on the one hand, the alcohol helps to evaporate the water and eliminate bacteria that could cause an infection. And the vinegar, for its part, can undo the wax that keeps the water trapped inside.
The application should make with a sterile dropper (very easy to get), and it will suffice to insert three or four drops into the ear for a couple of minutes. Then you should tilt your head to the sides so that the water comes out.
It is essential to take precautions and know that this remedy should never use on people suffering from an outer ear infection, a perforated eardrum, or tympanostomy tubes (diabolos).
9- Another home remedy is boric acid alcohol to absorb the water. Does it ring a bell? If you have lop-eared dogs, you have used it at some time.
Boricated alcohol is a compound made with alcohol and boric acid used in veterinary medicine to prevent and cure ear infections in animals and prevent them from suffering from otitis.
It is antiseptic; in people, it is also used to treat external otitis and is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age, in case of eardrum perforation or open wounds on the skin inside the ear.
To prevent ear infections caused by water from rivers, swamps, swimming pools. It is a highly recommended home remedy. And making it is as simple as taking 10 ccs of 70º alcohol and adding 8 drops of vinegar.

10 simple tricks to remove water from the ear
10- Easier still uses lukewarm olive oil, which in addition to helping to expel water, can contribute decisively to avoiding infection. It is applied by heating a little olive oil, taking a few drops with a dropper, and placing them inside the ear.
Then we lie down for about 10 minutes with the ear cup so that the oil does not spill, and after that time, we turn our heads so that the lousy ear is pointing to the ground and both the oil and the water come out.
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There are more recommended homemade formulas, such as filling the ear with water with a clean dropper hoping that the new water ‘helps out’ the stagnant inside. Or steam or take a hot shower, so the water vapor also helps.
There are even ear drops, most of which are alcohol-based, that help reduces moisture in the external ear canal, with the advantage that they can also eliminate bacteria and break down internal dirt.
If you want to read more articles similar to How to get water out of the ear, we recommend visiting our Diseases and secondary effects category.
10 simple tricks to remove water from the ear